the Allies plan to build a “patchwork” anti-aircraft defense

What there is to know

US pressures Ukraine allies to urgently build air defense “patchwork”. The goal : protect the main Ukrainian strategic objectives from Russian bombardments. The idea is to use equipment that meets NATO standards, and is therefore compatible, even if some are ultra-modern and others are older. “What management [ukrainienne] described as the thing they needed most immediately was air defense”, recalled Thursday, October 13, in Brussels, the American Minister of Defense Lloyd Austin, the day after a meeting of the 50 allied countries which coordinate their military support in kyiv. Follow the situation in our live.

Spain will send air defense systems. These are four “Hawk” air defense systems. They will be added to the armaments supplied by Germany, France and the United States. “We have found that when we mobilize, when we ask NATO allies to do more, they actually do more, and that makes a huge difference”said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Warning from the head of European diplomacy. Russian President Vladimir “Putin says that he is not bluffing with the nuclear threat. Then he must understand that the countries which support Ukraine, the European Union and its member states, the United States and NATO, are not bluffing either , warned the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell. Any nuclear attack on Ukraine will result in a response, not a nuclear response, but a military response so strong that the Russian military will be wiped out.”

Exchange of prisoners between kyiv and Moscow. Ukraine and Russia have each announced that they have carried out a new prisoner exchange involving 20 people in each camp, two days after another operation of this type.

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