Jens Stoltenberg also mentioned the possible entry of Ukraine into the organisation.
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The leaders of NATO member countries, meeting at a summit in Vilnius, pledged to dedicate each year “at least 2%” of their GDP to military spending. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg officially announced it on Tuesday July 11 during a press briefing. “Eleven allies have now reached or exceeded this milestone. We expect this number to increase significantly next year”he specified.
Jens Stoltenberg also mentioned the possible entry of Ukraine into the alliance. “We have made it clear that we will invite Ukraine to join NATO when the Allies agree and when the conditions are met”did he declare.
“It’s the first time we’ve used the word ‘invitation'”, he insisted, when asked about the dissatisfaction expressed a few hours earlier by the Ukrainian president. “It seems that there is no will either to give Ukraine an invitation to NATO, or to make it a member of the Alliance.he had launched, in a very virulent tweet, judging “absurd” that his country does not have a timetable for accession.