This October 20, we discovered with horror the face of the alleged murderer of Lola, in the videos tiktok of his profile that broadcast BFM TV. Imprisoned in Fresnes since her arrest, Dahbia, 24, accused of rape and murder, was not known to the police. And while the thesis of madness is explored in the investigation, to explain the carnage she has done, her relatives confide in her psychological state.
“The young woman freaked out when her mother died”
Le Parisien today gives the floor to Hakim (an assumed name) who knew Dahbia’s mother, Mounia, well. A friend of the family, he remembers a “good woman” who “watched his daughters”. He tells : “If one of them came home late, the mother would ask her for an explanation. She sacrificed herself for the education of her kids. She told me that she would have preferred prostitution rather than her daughters being confronted with this”.
>> See also: Murder of Lola: the face of Dahbia B. revealed on social networks and in TPMP
Unfortunately, everything changed when Mounia was diagnosed with uterine cancer. She was hospitalized in Paul-d’Égine, in Champigny, and “she died in Dahbia’s arms”, he said, before adding “I think it was in 2020”. A traumatic episode that would have changed Dahbia forever, believes a neighbor of the family. The latter, quoted by our colleagues indeed says: “when the mother died, it was no longer the same. I heard bursts of voices that I hadn’t heard before. The two sisters shouted at each other. I am convinced that the young woman freaked out when her mother died”.
“I could see that she was not well”
An upheaval in Dahbia’s life confirmed by Hakim who also assures that last week, when he met Dahbia, she had “the sunken face“, “she was lost. She was not in good shape, it felt”. For his part, he says he spoke to her about his mother and “has difficulty living without it”and deduces:I could see that she was not well”.