The alleged death of this conspiracy leader denied by his daughter

The daughter of a Quebec conspiracy leader is urging Internet users to stop spreading false information and collecting money in her name, as she tries to confirm the death of her refugee father in Brazil.

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“We don’t even know what to think anymore. It’s a horrible story. Normally, we could have found a body or evidence. We have nothing and no one answers us. It’s discouraging,” sighs Kelly Liberty St-Pierre Beauchamp.

Portrait of Kelly Liberty St-Pierre Beauchamp, daughter of Yan Beauchamp-Boucher.

Photo courtesy of Kelly Liberty St-Pierre Beauchamp

Portrait of Kelly Liberty St-Pierre Beauchamp, daughter of Yan Beauchamp-Boucher.

This 23-year-old Montrealer learned on social networks that her father, Yan Beauchamp-Boucher, died in Brazil. A surfer named Steve Pinette made the announcement in a video posted on February 17 in a group on Facebook called “Expats Québécois au Brésil”.

“Yan passed away. It’s been two days since I learned it, claims Mr. Pinette. […] He was double vaccinated, so probably a sudden death. Again, there are still investigations that will be done.

Everything for Brazil

Kelly Liberty St-Pierre Beauchamp entrusts the Log that she is far from being a conspirator, unlike her 43-year-old father. The latter, among other things, went to Montreal in April 2022 to denounce the health rules in force at the time.

“I tried to contact Steve on Facebook for proof of his death, but he blocked me. I no longer spoke to my father. He is a cocaine addict and sold everything in Quebec to go live in Brazil in December 2022. I haven’t spoken to him since February 3 … my birthday, ”says the young woman.

The false news surrounding the alleged death of Yan Beauchamp-Boucher has quickly gone viral for the past few days. Several conspiracy leaders have also disseminated erroneous information to boost their popularity on the web, criticizes Mme St-Pierre Beauchamp.

“People have even invented that I was raped by him, she sighs. Others wanted to raise funds to collect money for him, without even the consent of his family and without knowing if he was really dead. It goes far and it is made inhuman!”

A lie?

The young Quebecer tries in vain to obtain answers from the authorities on this mysterious disappearance in South America.

“My father would be the kind of person to lie to get money, admits Kelly Liberty St-Pierre Beauchamp. Until I have proof or concrete traces that he is dead, I will not believe it. He has made me see so many colors since I was little.

Yan Beauchamp-Boucher during a demonstration organized in 2022 in Montreal.

Photo archives, QMI Agency (Thierry Laforce)

Yan Beauchamp-Boucher during a demonstration organized in 2022 in Montreal.

Moreover, the questions she asked the Canadian Embassy in Brazil, the coroner or even the Brazilian authorities on this subject did not receive any response.

When contacted about this, the coroner’s office told the Log not having been informed of the death of Yan Beauchamp-Boucher. “We therefore cannot confirm or deny this information,” it says in an email.

“I would like to go to Brazil myself to check, but I fear for my safety. I don’t know if my father was killed or if he had a drug debt there. We are preparing for the worst, but we want answers, ”drops Kelly Liberty St-Pierre Beauchamp.

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