the alert to the baïnes raised to its maximum level


France 2

Article written by

O. Longueval, V. Piffeteau, N. Titonel – France 2

France Televisions

There is great concern on the beaches of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Saturday August 20. The maximum alert for baïnes, these water holes with very powerful currents which can take swimmers on board, has been triggered.

In Cap-Ferret (Gironde), and on the entire Aquitaine coast, the alert for baïnes is maximum, Saturday August 20. This dangerous phenomenon is capable of surprising and trapping swimmers. “We are wary, at the start we have water at the bottom, then suddenly we find ourselves with water up to our waists and it pulls very hard”, explains a swimmer. Vigilance all the more heightened among rescuers. From the beach, they watch over the many swimmers who have come to challenge the waves.

“We take care that the children are well held by their parents’ hands. And that people respect the delimited area, to avoid finding themselves later staggered and in a bath”, details a rescuer. Here, swimming outside the demarcated areas is prohibited. However, some defy the ban and bathe where the risk of drowning is very high. In 2021, 13 people lost their lives due to baïnes in New Aquitaine.

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