the alert level triggered in the Bièvre

The prefect of Isère and the prefect of Drôme place the watershed of Bièvre-Liers-Valloire on vigilance for groundwater, and on alert for surface water. Vigilance does not imply restrictions, “but each citizen and user is invited to be vigilant and economical in their water consumption” says the press release from the authorities.

On the other hand, the alert level implies restrictions for individuals. In particular, it is forbidden to wash your car outside professional car washes, to fill swimming pools of more than 1m3, or to water your garden between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Restrictions are also in force for professionals such as farmers (limitation of water withdrawals). In general, the authorities invite “each water consumer to be particularly attentive to the use of this resource and to compliance with the measures enacted”. The entire decree is available on the website

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