The Airbus A220 saga, an irritant?

Well, it makes you wonder if the financial problems linked to the Airbus A220 will be over on the day of the end of the world! Nothing is less certain!

Now the leaders of the former C Series dare to beg, to put it mildly, subsidies from the Legault government to the tune of 200 million dollars. Well yes, a trifle, isn’t it?

I am literally outraged that such a request is being made by a company, Airbus, which expects to make $6.4 billion in profits. It seems to me that 200 million would not be difficult for them to find, small change in their eyes!

But no, these company leaders, endowed with hegemony, do not hesitate to play aplaventrism in front of the taxpayers. No, but what nerve! Where do you think the profits will go into your pockets or theirs?

After reading past events where Bombardier executives had literally jumped on the fat subsidies of Quebecers, like a lion on a sheep, to bluntly grant themselves more than generous, even shameful, salary increases. Nothing to give confidence. […]

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