the agreement of both parents requested to vaccinate children from 5 to 11 years old

For children aged 12 to 15, the consent of one parent continues to be sufficient. Finally, adolescents aged 16 and over can be vaccinated without parental consent.

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The agreement of both parents, and no longer just one, will now be necessary to vaccinate children aged 5 to 11 against Covid-19, the Ministry of Health announced Thursday, January 6. For children aged 12 to 15, the consent of one parent continues to be sufficient. Finally, adolescents aged 16 and over can be vaccinated without parental consent.

Concretely, only one parent can be present during the vaccination appointment of a child from 5 to 11 years old, but it must be provided with a certificate on the honor according to which the second parent agrees, specified the Ministry. According to him, this new provision follows a request from the Council of State.

Vaccination was opened to all 5-11 year olds on December 22. As of January 4, some 67,000 children in this age group have received at least one injection. “This figure may still seem low, but it is increasing well”, we estimated at the ministry, noting that with a little more than 17,000 vaccinations, Wednesday had been “the biggest day of the pediatric campaign” vaccination.

Vaccination of 5-11 year olds is done with the Pfizer vaccine, but adapted to this age (3 times less dosed). France has received 1.9 million doses and will receive an additional million in January, for a total of more than 6 million at the end of February. In addition, the ministry changed the time between the first two injections of the vaccine for children. If the 21 day interval remains “optimal”, it is now possible to make an appointment of 18 to 24 days between the first and the second dose.

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