the agreement between EELV and LFI, the starting point for a broad union of the left?



France 2

Article written by

T. Curtet, O.Longueval, H.Capelli, B.Garguy-Chartier, A.Lépinay, T.Guery, S.Giaume, C.Pary, L.Lavieille – France 2

France Televisions

A historic agreement was concluded on the night of Sunday May 1 to Monday May 2, between France Insoumise and EELV in view of the legislative elections. A hundred constituencies will be reserved for ecological candidates, who will present themselves under the banner of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union.

On the Grand’Place in Lille (North), on the morning of Monday May 2, left-wing supporters welcome the overnight agreement between LFI and the Greens. The two parties negotiated for ten days and a few nights. around midnight, Manuel Bompard, MEP La France Insoumise, welcomed an agreement “historical“. The Greens ended up agreeing with the proposal of disobedience to the European treaties claimed by France Insoumise.

Negotiations resumed on the morning of Monday 2 May with the Socialist Party and the Communist Party, in order to expand the agreement. “Our goal remains the same: to achieve [un] large gathering of all the left and environmentalists”, confided Pierre Jouvet, the spokesman of the PS. As part of the agreement, the Greens are guaranteed to have 100 constituencies, including around 30 winnables. They plan to launch the campaign with the Insoumis on May 7.

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