the “aging well” law returns to the National Assembly


Politics: the “aging well” law returns to the National Assembly

Overview of the “aging well” law, which is up to the National Assembly. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – P. Le Duff

France Televisions

Overview of the “aging well” law, which is up to the National Assembly.

In 2030, there will be more people over 65 than those under 15 in our country. 20 million French people will then be over 60 years old. Between now and this date, the government has set itself objectives to help them age better. A real plan with a framework and objectives is what the “aging well” law is about, which is making its return to the National Assembly. Among the flagship measures, the Adapt’ bonus, accessible to those over 70 from next year, to enable them to adapt their homes.

Supporting nursing homes in the creation of 50,000 jobs

An overhaul of the home help system, but also the creation of a fund to launch better accessibility for small businesses. The government also wants to improve that stations. It must support nursing homes in the creation of 50,000 jobs. Concerning the social aspect, a system must be created to better report cases of mistreatment in these establishments. Finally, the right to visit nursing homes must be enshrined in law so that it is still possible to see loved ones even in the event of a pandemic.

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