The African Union summit “unequivocally” condemns the “wave” of coups

The Pan-African organization recalled countries that have faced putsches have been suspended by the African Union Peace and Security Council.

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African leaders meeting at the African Union (AU) summit condemned the recent “wave” of coups on the continent, said Sunday, February 6, the commissioner in charge of political affairs, peace and security of the pan-African organization. “Every African leader in the assembly unequivocally condemned the pattern, the resurgence, the cycle, the wave of unconstitutional changes of government”Bankole Adeoye told a press conference from the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.

AU “will not tolerate any military coup in any form”he added, recalling that countries that have faced putsches have been suspended by the AU Peace and Security Council. “Do your research, at no time in the history of the African Union have we had four countries in one calendar year, in 12 months, suspended: Mali, Guinea, Sudan and Burkina Faso”, he added. Referring to the case of West Africa, he considered that the “Sahel must not become a home again” of unconstitutional changes of government, described as “scourge”.

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