the affected people return to their homes



France 2

Article written by

L.Fuerstein, R.Moquillon, J.Vitaline,D.Breysse, M.Lavielle, F.Fort – France 2

France Televisions

In Gironde, some families, who had had to leave their homes, were finally able to return to their homes on Friday July 22. It is a relief for them after a week tormented by fires and a precarious situation.

On Friday July 22, many people affected by the fires were able to return to their homes with a sense of relief. “Ah finally ! It feels good to find the garden, especially the house which is in good condition (…) we were really scared”reacts a resident happy to return to her home. For everyone, it is an opportunity to check that there has been no damage and that the animals or the garden are doing well.

The inhabitants of Cabanac-et-Villagrains (Gironde) are not the only ones who have been able to find their home since the town hall has also opened its doors again. All everyday items such as the air conditioner or the telephone had also been taken to a safe place to avoid damage. Therefore, several questions arise for local residents who wonder in particular if they have the right to return home. Regarding the other victims, 6,500 will also be able to return home.

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