The aerospace industry is counting on you, Mr. Girard!

The author is addressing the Minister of Finance, Eric Girard, a few days before the presentation of the Quebec budget on March 21.

Héroux-Devtek, Pratt & Whitney, Bell Textron, L3Harris, Laflamme Aero, Airbus, Groupe Meloche, it would take several pairs of hands to count all the players in the aerospace ecosystem in Quebec.

Large-scale organizations that promote unique know-how – our unique know-how – internationally and tirelessly invest in defining tomorrow’s aviation.

The crucible of our competitiveness

As the Government of Quebec prepares to unveil its budget, it seems wise to us to recall the strategic contribution of the aerospace industry to our nation’s economy. As such, the government has every interest in continuing its valuable support to support innovation and transformation within the Québec aerospace sector.

With more than 36,000 quality jobs in the industry, it is essential to support its future so that its influence continues for a long time.

For 20 years, the Aerospace Research and Innovation Consortium (CRIAQ) has played a leading role in ensuring the development of new companies and new technological sectors. By contributing to the full integration of the aerospace sector into the Quebec economy, CRIAQ has contributed to the development of structuring projects that are today the pride of our nation.

An example of support will first go through the concretization of the innovation zone devoted to aerospace. It will bring together talents and skills within an incubator of ideas and investments intended for innovation. It will help attract the brightest minds to the country to design how the world will travel in the future. It will also contribute to stimulating Québec’s competitiveness in terms of innovation. It should be remembered in this respect that Québec is already on the podium of the world’s aerospace poles.

International reach, local impact

The aerospace industry is also one of the sectors of activity most involved in the community, with strong ties forged between organizations and universities and schools in Quebec. The research centers and projects that are the result of this collaboration with the academic world are the matrix, not only of Quebec’s ability to hold its own in a highly competitive industry, but above all to position the province as the point of convergence of aerospace projects. However, these partnerships will need concrete support from the government to last, particularly in the context of projects of all sizes.

The commitments made within the framework of the Québec Aerospace Strategy (SQA) bode well for the expansion of the industry: new public investments will attract and generate substantial private investments for the benefit of the entire population and our economy.

In a context of fierce global competition, Québec can take advantage of the presence of numerous international companies to encourage innovation and investment. However, the Government of Quebec has the responsibility to consider the challenges faced by the industry and the obstacles that stand in the way of its full potential.

Minister of Finance, the aerospace industry is still far from having demonstrated its full power. To do this, it will need the government’s reaffirmed and concrete support in the next budget, for the benefit of Quebecers, future generations, growth and innovation.

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