The Aerosmith singer accused of raping a minor… his past resurfaces!

Taking advantage of the lifting of the statute of limitations for cases of sexual violence involving minors in California, a 65-year-old woman, Julia Misley, today attacked singer Steven Tyler. She accuses the rock star of having sexually exploited her in the 1970s when she was a minor. It is before a Los Angeles court that this alleged victim is now dragging Steven Tyler, 74, as a sexual aggressor. His history ? In 1973, the girl, who was called Julia Holcomb at the time, was only sixteen when she met the 25-year-old artist coming off the stage. Fan or not, she claims to have been invited by the latter to his hotel and to have “performed several illegal sexual acts”. A relationship which had not faded in the early morning but which had continued… According to the complaint, the young woman not having “the means to resist her power, her fame and her financial resources”. In 1974, Steven Tyler even obtained guardianship from Julia’s own mother to ensure her daughter’s schooling, the singer moving around a lot.

“She was so sexy that I fell in love”

Still according to the complaint of the latter, but “instead, he continued to travel with her, to attack her and to provide her with alcohol and drugs”, and would even have pushed her to have an abortion. When their story ended, Julia assures us that “her life was turned upside down” and that she preferred to turn to religion. But that the singer revived this bad memory in his own memoirs: “She was 16, but she knew how to be naughty”, “she was so sexy that I fell in love” and that her parents “signed papers for me entrust his guardianship so that I will not be arrested if we change states”, wrote the rocker in particular. Enough is enough ! Today, Julia Misley claims compensation for having suffered sexual assault and psychological damage. Fifty after the fact, it therefore demands the trial of Steven Tyler who, for the time being, has not reacted.

A funny story that shares the web… “50 years?! this person just said to himself “it’s time for me to retire, let’s file a complaint” or how is it going”; “Tyler in his works. Almost all of this generation is also affected by rape and sexual assault, often on very, very young people. ; “Mind-blowing. Entrusting the guardianship of a 16-year-old girl to a rockstar…”; “She was sold by her parents to a pervert… He bought her like a packet of candy and he brags about it too… Incredible. How is that possible?”… Different times, different customs, that’s for sure.

See also: French Youtubeur Norman Thavaud placed in police custody for acts of rape and corruption of minors!


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