The aerobic gymnastics team of Ukraine trains in Aix les Bains

The Aix les Bains club (Savoie) welcomes the 12 members of the Ukrainian gymnastics team which is preparing for the world championships in the discipline. A beautiful solidarity in the world of sport, with athletes very affected by the war in their country.

The music resonates in the gymnasium of Aix les Bains and the athletes are in training morning and evening. They are twelve, plus their coach, preparing for the world championships which will take place on June 16 in Portugal, in Guimaes. Aix les Bains, which for a long time was the structure of the Pôle France d’enseignement, has some of the finest and most efficient equipment in France.

Solidarity around Ukrainian athletes

It’s here international gymnastics federation who took charge when war broke out in Ukraine. Mireille Ganzin who has spent her life having responsibilities at the international federation initially welcomed the 12 athletes to her home in Provence in the small village of Carcès. Meanwhile in Aix les Bains, whose gymnasium is one of the best equipped in France, prepared for the arrival of refugees. Jacques Devillainepresident of theGymnastics Union of Aix les Bains and his friends have found accommodation and financial support, in particular thanks to the Red Cross, the Entraide Aixoise and the town hall. Today athletes can train morning and evening in optimum conditions

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Sport: a way of moral survival for these Ukrainian athletes

The intense training sessions, 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon, 7 days a week, are like a moral protection for these athletes, so as not to constantly think about the war, about their families who have remained in a chaotic situation. “I call my family every day, sometimes twice a day” says Anastasia, dancing and bouncing in her partner’s arms. If she admits having trouble concentrating sometimes, she is ultra motivated. “I’m very lucky to be here, it’s a real opportunity to prepare for the championships, because in my country it’s not possible. It’s not easy, I’m doing what I can, these championships is my motivation”.

We avoid talking about things that are too personal, otherwise, it’s tears – Murielle Ganzin

Murielle Ganzin who went to look for the team, in danger in Ukraine explains that since then, the subject is almost a taboo subject. You have to do sport, so that emotion does not invade everything “We avoid talking about things that are too personal, otherwise, it’s tears. The main thing is to be there, to support them, to give them the opportunity to train.”. The sporting objective is therefore, a qualification in the final of the world championships. Ukraine has its chances because leading countries like China or Japan will not be able to participate because of the covid epidemic. The other, symbolic objective is also to win to show the whole world that Ukraine is strong, that it resists, by dancing on a gym mat.

The world gymnastics championships take place in Portugal from June 16.

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