the adventures of Tintin offered at the Atelier des Lumières in Paris


Article written by

M. Berrurier, J.-M. Lequertier, J. Martin, P. Achère, O. Darmostoupe, T. Donzel, E. Challat, J. Durand – France 2

France Televisions

Another French know-how is now going around the world: taking works of art out of their museums, to project them in the city, in a masterly site. To Paris currently, the Atelier des Lumières invites you to discover Tintin differently.

Our favorite characters on the floor and on the walls, a total 360-degree immersion in the adventures of Tintin: this is the new experience offered by the Atelier des Lumières. Since Friday evening October 20, the public is already massively at the rendezvous. “It feels like being in comics”, describes a visitor. For the Belgian rights holders of Hergé’s work, this immersive version is an opportunity to call on French know-how and rejuvenate the image of Tintin.

“It’s terribly important to dive back into the work and rework it, reshape it without transforming it”declares Michel Bareau, artistic director of “Tintinimaginatio”ex “Moulinsart”. For 10 years, the culture space company has been a hit with its immersive exhibitions. It works so well that the formula is exported at full speed, internationally. After France, these immersive exhibitions have already conquered Asia, the Middle East, and recently, the United States.

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