the admission rate reached 84.9% before resiting, discover the first results on our site

It’s the long-awaited day for nearly 720,000 French high school students. The results of the 2023 baccalaureate in the general and technological streams must be published on Tuesday July 4, from 8 a.m. You can discover them, as soon as they are published, in our search engine below.

Nearly 85% admitted, a slight decline. The rate of admission to the baccalaureate reached 84.9% all series combined, announced on RTL the Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye, against 86.1% last year. These figures are fresh, they have a quarter of an hour and will be refined”specifies the Minister, evoking a slight “settling” the admission rate. “The ferry regains a selectivity that it may have lost in recent years”comments Pap Ndiaye. For the unsuccessful candidates, who will have obtained between 8 and 10 on average, the remedial tests begin on Wednesday and will take place until Friday July 7.

A suspense already largely stale. The students already know 82% of the final grade that they will discover on Tuesday. Only philosophy and the great oral are still a mystery, because these are the only two subjects on which the candidates worked in June. They already know what marks they obtained through continuous assessment as well as in their specialty tests, passed in March.

“Adjustments are necessary”. Asked by franceinfo on June 14, the co-chair of the bac reform monitoring committee admitted that the new exam formula needed some tweaking, three years after its implementation. Pierre Mathiot pleaded in particular with the Minister of Education, Pap Ndiaye, for a rebalancing of the coefficients between the tests of March and those of June.

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