This 13-year-old girl was beaten up in front of her high school on April 2 in Montpellier.
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“The administrative investigation did not find any negligence” from the Arthur-Rimbaud college in Montpellier (Hérault), assures this Tuesday on France Inter Nicole Belloubet, Minister of National Education and Youth, after the attack on Samara, 13 years old, severely beaten in front of her school establishment at the beginning of April.given the elements brought to its attention, the college did everything in its power to do“.
According to the Montpellier public prosecutor’s office, the teenager had been the victim of“invective” on social networks. Five minors aged 14 and 15 were indicted for “attempted murder of a minor under the age of 15” and placed under judicial supervision.
In the media, the girl’s mother also accused the college staff of not having taken sufficient measures to protect her daughter. Teachers at Arthur-Rimbaud college, located in a working-class neighborhood, refused to teach classes on Monday, the start of the school year.indignant“by these”defamatory statements“conveyed by certain media and by”political recoveries” around this affair, which had a wide national echo. They had also deplored the comments of their minister, Nicole Belloubet, “who simply assured that ‘his arm would not shake‘”, taking this remark as a disavowal of their work, particularly in the fight against school bullying. They returned to work last Tuesday April 23.
Samara, who emerged from a coma the day after the attack, benefits from a system to resume distance learning. The three students who were so far implicated in his aggression will also appear before a disciplinary council.