This is not the first time that the actress has spoken about pension reform. She is one of the signatories, like nearly 300 cultural personalities, of a column published in “Liberation” on March 23 demanding the withdrawal of the text.
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“This forced passage of 49.3 is really unbearable”, reacted the actress Laure Calamy about the pension reform on the set of the program “Quelle époque!” broadcast on Saturday March 25 on France 2. The actress came to present her latest film Good behavior, in theaters on March 29, did not mince his words considering that this reform constitutes “a flashback” for France whose social model, she underlines, was envied until now. Especially since there is, according to her, an alternative.
“It is quite simply a political will”.
“Solutions were proposed. For example, equal pay between men and women, it would be 6 billion [pour financer les retraites, cette mesure est considérée notamment par l’UGICT-CGT (Union générale des ingénieurs, cadres et techniciens) et l’association féministe Nous Toutes comme une alternative au recul de l’âge de départ à la retraite]”. “There are solutions, continued the actress. It is quite simply a political will”. In response to Léa Salamé, who asked her what message she wanted to send to the government, whose spokesperson, Olivier Véran, was invited to another installment of the show, Laure Calamy launched: “Withdraw this reform!” after slipping the word “retirement”.
This is not the first time that Laure Calamy has given her opinion on pension reform. Like nearly 300 personalities from the world of culture, she signed a forum asking for the withdrawal of the reform published on March 23, 2023 in Release.
An approach that earned him to be challenged on the issue in “What time!” where she reiterated her opposition, almost regretting not being able to speak to Olivier Véran. The actress had warned the production that she could not attend the whole show because she had other commitments.