the actress gets married in a futuristic outfit that leaves Internet users speechless!

After a civil marriage celebrated at the end of last June, Karin Viard religiously married her new companion Manuel Herrero. After having married on honeymoon in Spain, the couple decided to take the step of the church. The 56-year-old actress posted pictures of the ceremony on her Instagram account on October 2, 2022. “Married in the year! It was fabulous. Thanks“, she wrote in the caption of a photo that reveals the amazing wedding outfits chosen by the two lovebirds. Indeed, the multi-caesarized actress had opted for a dress with wide shoulder pads and futuristic accents. , the grandson of the former rugby player had also bet on a silver shirt straight out of a science fiction film. Pieces signed by the Isabel Marant house that Karin Viard warmly thanked in her little Many personalities of the seventh art commented on the publication such as Bérengère Krief, Anne Marivin, Helena Noguerra or Clotilde Courau.

Anonymous also greeted this great day for the actress and did not fail to comment on the outfit chosen by the bride and her companion. “On another planet?”, “Immaculate outfit… timeless outfit…”, “In fireproof suits: a fireproof marriage”, “my little cosmonauts! takeoff for the planet of love!”, “Youhou. What happiness my dear. Gorgeous outfits”, “Original! Very seventies”, “Cosmic wedding !!!“, can we read among the comments posted.

Manuel Herrero, the new husband of Karin Viard, is a director and journalist but also the director of CAPA Sport for the production agency CAPA. “I set up a subsidiary by joining the CAPA group, which is a large historical press agency. I bring them a little expertise on sport. We have ambitions around this subject which allows us to tell a lot of things“, he had explained to the Metropolitan.


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