the actress asks for the urgent help of her fans on Twitter

Summer has finally arrived with its sunny days and sometimes unbearable heat waves. Covid-19, for its part, seems to be making a comeback. Since early June, outbreak tracking numbers seem to be picking up again, driven by Omicron’s BA.5 sub-variant. As with our neighbours, the epidemic recovery is real. The number of new cases in France has jumped by almost 50%, with nearly 44,000 new infections per day on average.

“There, it is very clearly an epidemic resumption which is linked to the arrival of new variants of the Omicron family, which are called BA.4 and BA.5”indicated, Wednesday, June 22 on France Info infectious disease specialist Anne-Claude Crémieux.

On the same day, there was also talk of coronavirus on the account Twitter by Laetitia Milot. Indeed, the actress was unfortunately one of those who were infected with the virus. But Badri Menaia’s wife has not fully recovered. “Like many of you, I had covid seven months ago and I still haven’t regained my sense of smell or taste”she wrote before asking for help from her community. “If anyone has any tips for stimulating these senses, don’t hesitate to share them. Take care of yourself and have a great summer”.

And one of his subscribers replied: “I had the same problem, my sister who is in the business has just written a book, I advise you to buy it because for me it worked. If you need I can put you in direct contact”.

Towards a return of masks?

This situation of epidemic rebound is pushing some specialists to recommend backtracking. Passing through Telematin on France 2Alain Fischer estimated that the return of the mandatory mask in transport “discussed seriously”. “Personally – because it’s not my field of action – I think that in public transport, it’s probably reasonable. Certainly for fragile people and probably for the whole population because it’s a collective protection measure, and by making the small effort to wear the mask, we help to protect fragile people”indicated the president of the Council of orientation of the vaccine strategy.

See also: Video: Laetitia Milot: a real fighter!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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