The actor Philippe Lellouche in a worrying state after a “road trip”!

Comedian Philippe Lellouche recently saw his life flash before his eyes after “a road trip”. A traumatic experience that he did not fail to tell on social networks. This Thursday July 13, 2023, Gilles Lellouche’s brother took over his Instagram account to tell his latest misadventure. On vacation at the sea, the fifties has indeed almost passed. 3 days ago, something a little crazy happened to me, I went off the road”he explains before specifying: “Not the one I was doing in Top Gear where there are stuntmen to catch up with us. Going off the road by the mouth. I ate something that went to the wrong side. I saw death coming at high speed .”

The facts would have taken place on a beach. I was lying”he continues while swearing not to start again. “You really have to be an asshole to do that. Eating lying down when your grandmother told you ‘don’t eat lying down’, that’s it, I understood why. And on top of that I was on the phone. The total.”

See also:

A tragedy narrowly avoided

Thinking he was immortal, Philippe Lellouche never imagined for a second that a simple piece of cheese could be so dangerous. I swallowed a piece of feta, the Greek cheese, on the wrong side… and if it hadn’t been for a beach attendant, Charlie, to save my life, I wouldn’t be here.” Traumatized, the father of four children then gave some advice to his 82,000 followers. If it ever happens to you, either you throw yourself against a wall because you’re all alone, or you really need someone to support you below the plexus from behind and lift you up” For “expel” the food.

Now out of danger, the ex of Vanessa Demouy allows himself to be ironic. It’s funny because in my show I talk about the death we imagine having. I said to myself, I would like to have a death that looks good. Bah there, in the kind of dead shit… Choking on a piece of feta on a beach is really pathetic. And to conclude: Be careful and never eat lying down. There’s no point in thinking you’re a Roman.” More fear than harm !


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