the actor and director aware that his fortune cannot solve everything!

After bursting the screen in “Murder Mystery 2” alongside Jennifer Aniston, Dany Boon is back in the cinema with the film “Life for real” which will be released in theaters this Wednesday, April 19. Once again, the actor from Armentières in the North plays both directors and actors since he plays the role of Tridan Lagache in this feature film.

It remains to be seen whether this new work will beat his own record achieved thanks to the success of his film “Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis”, more than 20 million admissions to the cinema! It is also after the disproportionate success that the actor had made the decision to leave France and go to live in the United States. “My production company remains French and I pay my taxes in France. My American stay is temporary. As long as my children have their friends there, I don’t want to impose a return on them. Above all, in California they have an anonymous father, not someone who gets all the attention. After the Ch’tis, it was not easy for my elders. I don’t want the three little ones to go through that again. The main thing is them” he confided to the magazine Gala in 2016.

“I worry about my children”
In full promotion of his new film, it is in the columns of Paris Match that he once again mentioned his children: “We’re lucky to make a good living so we don’t care. Our job is to make films to sublimate life, which is not easy at the moment. That doesn’t mean we can’t see what’s going on. We are well-to-do people, but I worry about my children…” he confessed.

Concerned about the future of his children, the 56-year-old actor also addressed the issue of taxes in France: “So, yes, I earn a very good living, compared to my past as a prolo and banned from banking. But I am happy to pay my taxes, to be taxed at 45%, I find that perfectly normal” he launched.

A disconcerting optimism coming from the one who, in 2022, was the victim of a terrible scam. A rich heir who responds to the name of Terry Birles would have indeed succeeded in convincing Dany Boon to collaborate with him and the company South Sea Merchant’s Mariners Ltd Partnership (SSMM). Believing to make a good deal, the actor would then have paid 2.2 million euros, as well as 4.5 million in a scheme affiliated with the Irish Central Bank… while everything was a deception.


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