the activists leave convinced, the curious less

Passing through Saint-Étienne in the Loire, the socialist candidate in the next presidential election Anne Hidalgo held a public meeting in the neighborhood house of Solaure this Wednesday evening. In front of her, about 150 activists and curious from all over the Loire. A full house that does not leave fully acquired to the cause of the current mayor of Paris.

Cuddle therapy session for the Socialists of the Loire

The organizers of the public meeting come out delighted: we had to add chairs in the room to accommodate everyone. “This is good news, we have mobilized so that the campaign takes off a little, so it’s nice“slips a young socialist into the maneuver. The militants all stand up as one man when their champion arrives.

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At the microphone, Anne Hidalgo does not ignore the bad luck of her party: “We can sometimes say to ourselves, what has become of us? What happened to us? Isn’t all this the world before? What we are doing this evening in Saint-Étienne is precisely to write a new page. “ It declines some of the themes dear to the hearts of socialists : education, while scratching Parcoursup, but also occupational health, ecology and maintenance of public services.

The speech has something to galvanize Brigitte, a longtime socialist activist: “it was very positive, very inspiring. We really want to go into the countryside alongside Anne Hidalgo. It is true that currently we have the impression that the left no longer exists, and there it is a lot of good, the room was full, people share this desire to win our values. “

Still many questions for the less convinced

On the side of the curious, many, whose hearts tilt to the left, come to try to gauge the socialist in the light of her rivals. “I am convinced by the ideas, but I am waiting to know more about Anne Hidalgo“explains Thibault, 23, from Rive-de-Gier.”For people like me who are not in a party, it is very difficult to decideanother spectator at the public meeting sighs.

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At the end of Anne Hidalgo’s speech, some are not more advanced and even come out disappointed, like Marie-Hélène: “I regret that it ends like this. We have a speech, we know it, and then we go away, we eat three petits fours, and then we leave. And then nothing on a possible rally of the left. It’s ‘we’re the best and we’re going to win’.“Behind her, on the chairs here and there, a few crumpled campaign leaflets are abandoned.

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