Posted at 6:00 a.m.
The Info Aces encourage you to accompany your relative when he goes to vote, in order to experience “The little polling station”. You too can go behind the voting booth and put your X on a real ballot. We explain how!
What is that ?
The small polling station is a way to practice voting. Each polling station has one. Just ask the election staff when you arrive with your relative. You will receive a special ballot on which a very important question is asked. This year, you will be asked:
“To be a citizen is to be part of a group, like your city, your village, your family or your school. It is also being able to live well with others. What do you do to be a good citizen? »

Special Ballot for “Aspiring Voters”
Look at the answer choices given to you. Start thinking about which one is most like you. You will have to tick only one!

Special Ballot for “Aspiring Voters”
Special Ballot for “Aspiring Voters”
Special Ballot for “Aspiring Voters”
Children are citizens?
Yes of course ! You don’t have to be 18 to be an active and important person in society. Already, you are being asked to act like a citizen. For example, during the pandemic, you were asked to make efforts like everyone else. You wore the mask, you followed the instructions, you informed yourself, you did your part of the effort. You go to school, you sometimes volunteer, you follow the laws, you help friends, your family, you bring a lot of things to your community. Children are important citizens!
At Les As de l’info, we encourage you to participate in the “small polling station” to make your voice heard. We will publish the results of this special vote in the days following the elections. Because it’s important that everyone knows how children see their role in our society!
Psst! For the occasion, the As de l’info team is pleased to announce that we will be with you all evening, live, to answer any questions you may have about the event. So it’s an appointment, October 3 at 7:30 p.m. on the As de l’info website!
Do you want to read your news every day?
You can read news written for you, comment on them, ask your questions and take part in surveys, quizzes and contests! And come back to see us every Sunday on The Press+ for exclusive news and more! Remember that your curiosity is a superpower! The Info Aces are an initiative of the Coops de l’information.
What is happening in Iran right now?

A protester in Iran with her country’s flag
First, let’s locate Iran on the world map. Iran is a country in West Asia, a region also known as the Middle East. For 10 days, important things have been happening in Iran. Great manifestations of anger occur there.

From Quebec to Iran
Protesters were seen setting fire to trash cans and police cars. Several women filmed themselves cutting their hair and burning their veils. At least 75 people lost their lives during these demonstrations and hundreds more were arrested by the police. Why ? Because the Iranian people are revolting against the authorities and the government in place. We explain to you.
The people of Iran are subject to very strict rules
To fully understand what follows, you must know that Iran is an Islamic republic. This means that the leaders of the country have set very strict rules, inspired by their interpretation of religion. These politicians use the religion of Islam to impose their authority and control citizens. Clothes, music or the media are controlled by the government. Women must cover their hair in public and follow many rules regarding their dress.
The trigger
On September 16, the announcement of the death of Mahsa Amini plunged the whole country into great turmoil. Mahsa Amini is a 22-year-old young woman who was arrested on September 13 in Tehran, the capital of Iran. The reason for her arrest was that she was not wearing her veil properly.
The police said she died of cardiac arrest. The population does not believe this explanation, and rather believes that Mahsa would have suffered ill-treatment and violence from the police, and that she died as a result.
The government is taking tough action
With the many demonstrations that have been going on for several days, many Iranian police and soldiers have been sent to the streets in order to restore order. On several videos posted online, armed police can be seen making violent arrests and often shooting at protesters.
For the past few days, phone calls and internet have been limited in the country. The Iranian government hopes to reduce communications between protesters and thus be able to prevent them from gathering. They are afraid of an uprising. That is to say, a movement of hundreds of thousands of people who would like to get rid of the country’s leaders and put an end to the regime that is restricting their freedom. Several international organizations have denounced what is happening there. Justin Trudeau has announced that he will impose sanctions on Iran.
dishonest practices

Marie-Ève Rancourt, ex-candidate of Québec solidaire
While the election campaign is in full swing, some candidates are making regrettable gestures. This week, we learned that candidates stole flyers from other parties. In both known cases, flyers promoting election candidates were removed from voters’ mailboxes and replaced with those of an opponent. A technique that is not very honest…
A Quebec solidaire candidate caught in the act!
A candidate for the Québec solidaire party, Marie-Ève Rancourt, was filmed by a resident’s security camera. By depositing her leaflet in her mailbox, she took the opportunity to remove that of her opponent from the Parti Québécois, downright!
The candidate, who is also a lawyer, apologized, then announced that she was withdrawing her candidacy. Its leader, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, said it was a good decision, since these actions are unacceptable according to him.
M’s opponentme Rancourt in the riding of Camille-Laurin is none other than the leader of the Parti Québécois, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon. He said the gesture was immoral and if it had happened in his party, he wouldn’t have let his candidate continue in the race either.
Since this happens just a few days before the elections, the solidarity candidate cannot be replaced. Some people have already started voting on advance polling days, that is, before the official day. In the event that voters have voted for the solidarity candidate, their vote will be annulled. On election day, the name of Mme Rancourt will be removed from the list of candidates and it will no longer be possible to choose her. Québec solidaire could therefore lose precious votes in this region.
Serial flights
It is then the turn of the Coalition avenir Québec to have leaflets stolen. In all, 275 door hangers of CAQ candidate Mathieu Lemay have disappeared. The door hangers have been replaced by those of the PQ candidate, Stéphane Handfield.
A security camera captured a scene where a volunteer from Mr. Handfield removes flyers from Mr. Lemay. The latter filed a complaint with the police for this illegal act.
A second volunteer was also seen in another video. Mr. Lemay hopes that it was not Mr. Handfield who asked the volunteers to do so. Mr. Handfield, for his part, claimed to have cut ties with the first volunteer.
Illegal act
Maybe you can tell yourself that it’s not that bad… They didn’t steal any important letters. You should know that taking, without authorization, the content of a mailbox that is not intended for us, such as in this case a brochure, constitutes an offense under the Criminal Code. In other words, it is theft.