Posted at 5:00 a.m.
Recently, it was Paris Fashion Week, an event in the French capital that brings together the greatest couturiers in the world. Many fashion shows are held there every year. Everything was going well…until Kanye West showed up with a shirt that read “White Lives Matter” on the back. Many people were outraged and condemned Kanye West’s move, describing it as dangerous and irresponsible. But why ? We explain everything to you!
Who is Kanye West?
Kanye West, 45, is a rapper, songwriter, director and designer from Chicago, USA. He is considered one of the best hip-hop artists in history as well as one of the most influential in the 21e century.
Kanye West is also known to have been married for almost eight years to the very famous media personality Kim Kardashian. Finally, he revealed in 2018 to have bipolar disorder.
What is White Lives Matter?
You see, the United States has been experiencing intense ethnic tensions for the past decade. Numerous incidents involving young black people being killed by white police officers have caused nationwide riots and protests. It was to protest systemic racism. From these events was born, in 2013, the Black Lives Matter movement (or “black lives matter”, in French).
However, the white supremacists were not very happy with what was happening. It is for this reason that they created the slogan “White Lives Matter”, in response to the original movement.
A legitimate movement
What you have to understand is that Black Lives Matter is in no way intended to put white people down or claim that black people are more important. He is simply saying that throughout history black people have suffered greatly and it is high time they were treated as equals with white people.
Conversely, White Lives Matter, although also an ethnic group affirmation movement, is a movement of hatred towards people of other origins. The fact that Kanye West, who is black, chose to put these words on his jersey therefore shocked a lot of people.
Not the first time
The American rapper was already known for his amazing views and far-right leanings. He had also worn in public a Make America Great Again cap (“to make America great again”, in French), the slogan of Donald Trump. The next day, Kanye West posted on his Twitter account: “Everyone knows Black Lives Matter was a scam. Now it’s over. You’re welcome. »
Shortly after the events in Paris, the Adidas brand, with which West does business for the production of its famous Yeezy shoes, announced that it was in the process of “reassessing their partnership”.

In Canada, it is forbidden to organize fights, unless the sport in question is an Olympic discipline, which is no longer the case with karate.
The Quebec Karate Cup declared… illegal! ?
Last weekend, the Quebec Karate Cup, a preparatory tournament for the Canada Games, was to take place in Montreal. However, shortly before the event was held, the organizers realized that they would be breaking the law if they went ahead with the competition. So they decided to cancel it. But how did all this happen? We explain to you.
Blame the Olympics?
This whole story goes back to a very specific section of the Criminal Code of Canada. The Criminal Code is the set of laws that define what is illegal to do in the country.
In this article, it is written that in Canada it is forbidden to organize fights, unless the sport in question is an Olympic discipline. This law exists to prevent people from fighting in dangerous ways. However, karate was well and truly recognized as an Olympic discipline… until very recently. Indeed, karate competitions took place at the Tokyo Games in 2020, but the International Olympic Committee has decided that there will not be any at the next games, in 2024, in Paris.
Since karate is no longer an Olympic sport, competitions in Canada have unfortunately become illegal… including the Quebec Cup. Obviously, the police probably wouldn’t have gotten involved if the event had taken place, but the organizers preferred not to take the risk and postpone it.
A great disappointment for fans
Although it is still legal to practice karate for fun, the situation has not failed to sow anger among fans. They had been waiting for the return of competitions for a long time, in particular because of the pandemic which had put a brake on activities. Discipline in general has suffered over the past two years: almost half of those who practice karate have stopped doing it, and nearly one in three dojos have had to close their doors.
In response to this, sporting events will be organized this fall in Quebec to convince the government to change things.
Soon a solution?
Despite his dissatisfaction, the president of Karate Quebec, Stéphane Rivest, says he is hopeful that the situation will recover quickly. Indeed, other Canadian provinces such as British Columbia, Prince Edward Island and Ontario have already resolved the problem with an order in council.

In these big green nets are thousands of salmon farmed by a company in Chile.
The Chilean salmon scandal
Did you know that salmon is Quebecers’ favorite seafood? However, a series of articles have recently shed light on the issues surrounding salmon farming in Chile. This product could soon disappear from Quebec grocery stores.
Canada itself is a major salmon producer. However, it sometimes happens during the year that there is not enough for customer demand because producers here export it abroad. That’s why a lot of the salmon we eat comes from Chile.
In order for the local grocery store to sell fish, it must first be caught. But there are other ways to get it than to fish it in the wild, like by farming it. This is called aquaculture. It’s kind of the same as pig farms, but instead of living in a pigsty, the fish are splashing around in the water. In Chile, aquaculture in open nets is preferred. The fish are contained inside a large net that ends up in a natural body of water.
Ecological issues
The problem with farms in Chile is that they are bad for the environment. This type of farming is harmful to the seabed, which is damaged by excrement and fish food. The producers also use a lot of pesticides and antibiotics, among other things to prevent the fish from getting parasites. We still do not know the consequences that could be suffered by other marine species in contact with these products.
Salmon escape
Salmon are not native to Chile. Moreover, it sometimes happens that these escape from the nets and mix with the local marine species. This new species in the ecosystem can cause all kinds of upheavals in the natural environment.
As for the employees in the salmon industry, they work hard and are paid very little.
Reflection in grocery stores
It is for these reasons that grocery stores are thinking about whether they want to continue selling fish raised under these conditions.
The IGA and Rachelle-Béry chains say they have been thinking for a long time about removing this product from refrigerators and freezers. It is the “environmental issue” and local purchasing that motivate their thinking.
The presence of Chilean salmon is also questioned in Provigo, Maxi and Loblaws grocery stores. The company behind these brands made a commitment in 2009 to sell only seafood from sustainable fishing, that is to say more respectful of the environment.
Metro for its part does not plan to reconsider the sale of salmon from Chile, but recognizes the environmental risks associated with farming.
The Costco chain declined to say whether it sells salmon from Chile. Some of its packages do not even indicate the name of the country of origin whereas, according to Canadian regulations, the source must be clearly mentioned on the label.
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