The accused would have rented the place of kidnapping

The former franchisee accused of the kidnapping of the president of restaurants Cora would have rented for a few months and under another name a house in Laval, where the victim would have been sequestered for several hours in 2017.

When the police brought Nicholas Tsouflidis back to this residence on rue Principale, he seemed shaken, according to retired Sûreté du Québec investigator Serge Fortin.

“By bringing him back there, he had a lot of emotions,” he said.

The sergeant was coming to testify for the prosecution of Paul Zaidan, 52, who allegedly played a role in the kidnapping and kidnapping of the son of the founder of the breakfast restaurant chain, on March 8 and 9, 2017.

Photos of the house in Laval were presented to the members of the jury on Wednesday. In particular, we see a basement with practically bare walls. In some photos, investigators targeted holes from which electric wires were coming out.

During his testimony, Nicholas Tsouflidis had also reported that he was monitored by a camera installed on the wall while he was chained in the house.

Under another name

The house was reportedly rented in Imad Ennasr’s name, but Paul Zaidan’s phone number was on the lease, Fortin said. Investigators also linked the accused to the bank draft provided to the owner of the house, Nigel Williams.

During an identification parade, he would also have recognized the accused among the eight photos presented.

“It looks like it is him. The eyes. Looks like the guy, ”he reportedly said according to the inspector’s notes.

More than a year later

It was Yacin Ben Romdhane, who said he had carried out surveillance for the accused, who led investigators to the home in question, more than a year later. The accused allegedly showed it to him because he was considering buying it, the 33-year-old said during his testimony.

” [À ce moment-là], we were still looking for the place where Mr. was kidnapped, ”said Sergeant Fortin, indicating that he recognized specific indications reported by the victim on the spot.

– With Erika Aubin

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