“The accounts are not good!” Bad last minute news for Laeticia Hallyday regarding the exposure on Johnny!

December 5, 2017 marks a sad day for the Hallyday clan. Indeed, it was on this date that Johnny died of lung cancer at the age of 74. Since then, his wife Laeticia has done everything in her power to honor the memory of the Taulier. On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the rocker’s death, the pretty blonde also organized an extraordinary event. On December 20, the Johnny Hallyday exhibition, produced by Tempora, opened in Brussels, Belgium.

On the program, more than 3,000 m2 entirely devoted to the performer of That I love you. A breathtaking exhibition that did not fail to bring together fans of Laura’s dad, David, Jade and Joy. However, the objectives of the organizers have not yet been achieved. For good reason… in order to cover the 8.5 million euros in expenditure, more than 150,000 visitors were expected in Brussels. In Paris, producers are counting on the arrival of more than 400,000 people. Figures which, for the moment, are not respected.

See also:

Goals to keep

Mid Road, “we must be at more than 50,000 visitors”, indicates François Henrard in the columns of 20 minutes. Far from losing hope, the project manager at Tempora believes that “if we extrapolate, we should reach the objective”. “The closing dates have not yet been decided, everything is still possible”, he assures. According to him, “the distribution is very uneven and it’s true that during the week, it’s quieter than the weekend when the slots are full”.

To achieve his objectives, François Henrard says he is ready to “enrich the exhibition with new things, but it will depend on what Laeticia can find”. However, no price reduction is planned. “The rate is calibrated in relation to what is done elsewhere, and there are preferential rates for young people, precarious people or families”, he says. Whether it will be successful remains to be seen. To be continued…


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