the ACBB club suspends training due to the aggressive behavior of some parents

Since the information came out in the Parisian newspaper on Monday evening, Pascal Quatrehomme receives many messages of encouragement and support from the amateur football community in Île de France. President of the football section of the ACBB since last November, he decided on Monday to mark the consciences of his licensees and their families: No football this Wednesday, April 13 for the young members of the ACBB club. Blame it on some unscrupulous parents who behave more and more badly during the matches.

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Verbal abuse and beginnings of physical aggression

The one too many incident that angered the ACBB Football Steering Committee took place on Saturday. An ACBB relative insulted a club coach in the middle of a match. Situation which brought up all the incivility of the season with, for example, parents who are on the verge of coming to blows on the edge of the field, dads who grab the coach by the arm and vociferate or even moms who return on the field and ask in the middle of a match for explanations on “why their child is only a substitute?”.

Deplorable attitudes which concern only “5% of parents” but which pollute the atmosphere of a club renowned for its training but also its requirement of the high level among young people.

Collective punishment and meeting for coaches

Some parents that France Bleu Paris has contacted, but who do not wish to testify at our microphone, say to themselves anyway circumspect of this decision to collectively sanction the 1,200 licensees for a few “fanatics”. The fact remains that at the club, we assume this decision and hope for everyone to be aware of this subject of parental incivility.

The same day, the club will bring together its coaches and educators to support them but also to exchange with them and remind them of certain rights and duties of a technician towards a young person.

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