The Queen of Denmark Margrethe II cedes her throne on Sunday to her eldest son, who becomes King Frederik X. An abdication without pomp for a royal family very close to the Danish people.
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For the Danes, Sunday January 14, 2024, is first of all a goodbye to Queen Margrethe II. An 83-year-old woman, who saw them grow up. A polyglot, a scholar, an artist, known for having notably illustrated, under the pseudonym, The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. “I like her creativity, she is very inspiring, even though she has a lot of work as a representative of Denmark, she also showed people the importance of being passionate about something. She has a role that makes people listen to it”says a Danish woman.
After 52 years of reign, the last queen in the world, Queen Margrethe II cedes her throne to her eldest son, who therefore becomes the king Frederik X. An abdication announced by surprise during the traditional New Year’s speech of the sovereign, who will leave office with a simple signature on Sunday. The enthronement of Prince Frederik will also take place without coronation. The handover will take place in complete sobriety and largely behind closed doors. Because the Danish monarchy wants to be modern, without pomp, and the royal family is close to the people. The future monarch is expected on the balcony of Parliament around 3 p.m., where there will be a crowd to greet him on this historic day.
“The Queen reminded us to open our arms, to think of others.”
Sus, psychologistat franceinfo
If the Danish royalty has no political influence, Sus, psychologist, will retain the humanist advice distilled by the queen in her speeches, during the 52 years of her reign: “Don’t be selfish, think of others, of foreigners who come to our country.” Then she completes: “It’s a good thing she went against tradition by abdicating, to modernize royalty.”
Frederik X, a new king deemed “more modern”
The royal family is very popular, it is part of the walls, of pop culture. Andrea, cigarette in her mouth, is happy to see a little change. “The son is perhaps less inclined to ballet and opera than his mother, he is more of a rock fan and he likes festivals! I am sure he will be a good king”she believes.
Crown Prince Frederik, 55, is an athlete, marathon runner and adventurer, initiated into diplomacy, committed to the environment. He has a more informal style that Jonas appreciates. “He talks to people, he is human, very approachable, not like his mother, who is more ‘old-fashioned’,” assures Jonas.
“Frederik is more modern, he looks like an average Dane, he drinks beers, he’s a good guy!”
Emil, 20 years old, finds that the monarchy is an outdated concept. “I must be part of the 1% who think we don’t need a king. It’s a waste of public money, it’s our taxes”he said.
In any case, the capital’s hotels were full of tourists. More than 200 000 people are expected on the square of Christiansborg Palace (the seat of the Danish Parliament), from where the new king will be proclaimed, from the balcony. So as not to miss any of these few minutes of History and his brief speech, millions of Danes will be in front of their television.