According to participants in the Saint-Denis meetings, Emmanuel Macron and party leaders concluded that a referendum on immigration was not relevant in the absence of consensus on the subject.
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“Emmanuel Macron listens much more with his right ear than with his left ear”, Marine Tondelier, national secretary of Europe Ecologie-les Vert, told franceinfo on Friday, November 17, after the meetings in Saint-Denis. But for all that, she felt that she had no “didn’t waste your day”since the discussion “allowed to bury” the idea of a referendum on immigration. “It’s good news, I was quite shocked that it was on the agenda”confided the national secretary, “this would have further divided France for months”.
“We must stop making the French believe that all their problems are linked to immigration.”
Marine Tondelier, national secretary of EELVat franceinfo
The meeting also made it possible to bring other subjects to the table, not necessarily included on the agenda, such as ecology, Marine Tondelier affirmed that she was able to “express [s]we are very dissatisfied with the very cowardly, hypocritical and harmful position of France” faced with the extension of the authorization of glyphosate in the European Union.
The elected representative of the Greens finally mentioned the proposed constitutional law on abortion and its inclusion in the Constitution. Emmanuel Macron announced that the text will be presented to the Council of Ministers on December 13, debated in the Senate in the first quarter of 2024 and that it will be the subject of a congress by March 2024. “Obviously, that pleases me. I note that no one talked about it when it came out. Perhaps my male colleagues weren’t very sensitive to it. As a feminist, I tell myself that at least I wouldn’t have made the trip for nothing”concludes Marine Tondelier.