Eden, 9 years old, had not given any sign of life since Thursday, at 5:45 p.m., in Soustons. He was reunited with his father by the Lot-et-Garonne gendarmes.
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Eden is safe and sound. Missing since Thursday 5:45 p.m., the 9-year-old child was found Friday February 9 in the afternoon by the police in Saint-Géraud, in the Lot-et-Garonne department, France Télévisions learned from from the Dax prosecutor. Around thirty Landes gendarmes, as well as a helicopter from Bayonne, have been mobilized since Friday morning to try to find the little boy.
SAccording to the Dax prosecutor’s office, little Eden was picked up after school by his mother on Thursday, then given to his father at 5 p.m., the couple being separated. The mother raised the alarm around 6 p.m., the child’s schoolbag and phone having been found in a ditch. A call for witnesses was launched by the gendarmerie, after the disappearance of a 9-year-old child in Soustons, in the Landes.
A psychological unit set up at school
A source close to the investigation, cited by France Bleu Gascogne, described the child’s father as depressed and adhering to conspiracy and survivalist theories. His phone was found at his home in Magescq (Landes).
A psychological unit was set up Friday morning at the Soustons elementary school, where Eden was educated, the mayor of the town, Frédérique Charpenel, confirmed to France Bleu Gascogne.