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Tuesday, September 20 opens the 77th General Assembly of the United Nations, in New York in the United States. On site, journalist Anne Bourse explains that Emmanuel Macron will have things to say to the Iranian president after the death of Mahsa Amini, before speaking at the start of the afternoon.
The 77th General Assembly of the United Nations opens Tuesday, September 20 in New York (United States). Present on the spot, the journalist Anne Bourse returns first of all to the death of Mahsa Amini in Iran: “France, like the UN, condemns this arrest and the violence that led to the death of the young woman. Emmanuel Macron will have the opportunity to talk about it later, during his meeting with the Iranian president.
“The French president will then speak at the beginning of the afternoon at the UN podium. He will talk about climate, energy, but above all the new balance of power in the world revealed by the war in Ukraine. Emmanuel Macron is worried of this growing North/South divide. The Head of State does not want to let the idea take hold that it is the West against the rest of the world. A challenge to this world order led by Russia, but also China”adds the journalist.