the 74-year-old actor accused of rape by a journalist

New sordid accusation against Gérard Depardieu. This Tuesday, December 19, 2023, we learn that the famous 74-year-old actor is accused of rape by a Spanish journalist. Enough to extend the long list of women who have accused the actor of sexual assault. Ruth Baza, journalist, writer and contributor to several media outlets, reportedly filed a complaint in Spain this Thursday, December 14, 2023. In the columns of the Spanish daily La Vanguardia, the journalist confides in this terrible day when Gérard Depardieu allegedly attacked him. The facts date back more than nearly 30 years ago, when she was 23 years old and Gérard Depardieu was 46 years old. The rape allegedly took place on the premises of the former production company Roissy Films, in Paris.

After remaining silent for more than two decades, Ruth Baza finally decided to break the silence and explains that the investigation carried out by Médiapart on Gérard Depardieu revived her memory and prompted her to talk about what happened. She assures that Gérard Depardieu would have penetrated her with his fingers : “An intrusion without any consent, at any time.” A gesture that would have paralyzed him. If the facts are now time-barred in the eyes of French justice, the journalist declares having filed a complaint to “help other people”.

As a reminder, Gérard Depardieu has been accused since 2020 by several different women of rape and sexual assault. Only a complaint filed by actress Charlotte Arnould in August 2020 resulted in the actor being indicted. Not long ago, the show Additional Investigatione broadcast on France 2 revealed new disturbing elements about the actor, enough to reignite the scandal. Imperturbable, Gérard Depardieu continues to firmly deny any responsibility. He is also supported by many personalities from the world of French cinema.


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