The 5th edition of the Stimme competition is postponed until next year

Despite the reduction of a number of health measures, the rest of the competition remains complex to implement given the rules still in force within the organizing structures.

The candidates will not be able to record their song in the studios of France Bleu Elsass in optimal conditions this year. Indeed, the latter are still subject to strict rules of physical distancing and wearing a mask compulsory in the studio for any recording.

However, the recording of songs in the studio is a crucial step in the process of selecting the finalists of the competition, which requires the simultaneous presence of many musicians and technicians. Furthermore, as Stìmme’s schedule is tight – there are many stages throughout the competition, from studio recording to the final stage of the final – the postponement of one of the stages compromises the smooth running of the following ones.

It is for these reasons and with the firm desire to maintain a high level of quality, like the previous edition, that the Stìmme 2022 competition will resume next January. As a result, the final of the competition, which was to be held at the Royal Palace in Kirrwiller on May 25, will also be postponed to spring 2023.

The applications received will, of course, be kept and submitted for deliberation by the jury at the beginning of 2023. A big thank you to all the participants.

source site-36