The 50 most beautiful songs, Jeanne Moreau

Yes there is The whirlwindthe song so delightfully sung in a scene from the film Jules and Jim by Truffault. And yes, there is I have the memory who flinches. The entire Jacques Canetti catalog is there. Jeanne singing Bassiak, Norge: it was already available. Fewer are the themes of repatriated soundtracks, marvels hitherto scattered on 45 rpm, which make this compilation essential: we feast on The ballad of wandering moodofRepeated absencesone feels the air so stifling ofIndia Song (words duly weighed by Marguerite Duras). We taste one by one the lesser known songs from a 1968 album written entirely by Elsa Triolet. Jeanne Moreau herself will test the verb with verve in 1970: we discover with delight fame, the advertising, The child that I was, I’m take it or leave it, almost pieces of biography. It’s all good, except for this: a substantial booklet would have been welcome, in addition to the magnificent photos.

The 50 most beautiful songs

★★★ 1/2


Jeanne Moreau, Pantheon/Polydor/Universal

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