The 5 positive readings not to be missed this week

Right next to me by Sophie Carquain

The ikikomori is an individual recluse in his room, without any contact with the outside.

I wanted to create a young character, on the margins of society, who finds himself locked up in his room.

There are these two beings wounded by life who will succeed in communicating and art will serve as a common thread in their story.

And My Heart Attracted the Riches of the World by Eric Grange

It’s an autobiographical novel, inspired by my experiences around the world, which I preferred to romanticize.

It was important to me to share my adventures with people, to encourage them to pursue their dreams, desires and ideas.

Hatching by Elodie Leclercq

The idea of ​​the book is to go back down into sensations, into the body, through movement, dance, yoga.

We must understand that we are not just a body of flesh and bones but that we are also composed of energy and emotions.

Odette and the Yellow Taxi by Isabelle Artus

During the confinement, the fact of not being able to move curiously made me want to travel and that is what my characters do.

When Odette goes to the airport, she tells herself a story: she is Frida leaving for Mexico, Marlène in a tuxedo waiting for her Jean Gabin.

The little people of Sepia

She will have to go through a lot of hardships to reach her goal, which is to meet new cultures and build a bridge with those who are different.

Bera has this greatness to believe that despite the differences, size and cultures, we have many things that bring us together.

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