The 4th dose of vaccine in question, more transparency for meat, and the “Flippé” series makes us laugh at our anxieties

A fourth dose of vaccine for all, against Covid? France is ready, says Prime Minister Jean Castex. But is this new reminder necessary? The Vaccine Strategy Guidance Council said Wednesday that this fourth dose is not justified at this time. It could even, he says, have a counterproductive effect: be interpreted as a signal of ineffectiveness of vaccination. It is therefore urgent to wait, recommend the various scientific authorities, who will in particular look at the effectiveness of this additional dose in Israel, where it was launched at the beginning of January for the over 60s.

Meanwhile, England on Thursday lifted almost all of the latest anti-Covid restrictions: the obligation to wear a mask indoors in public places and a vaccine passport for events with large audiences. But for all that, as the correspondent of Radio France in London Richard Place tells us, the country is far from a return to life before, and many English people prefer to continue to remain cautious, while the number of cases detected daily remains high.

On March 1, the mention of the origin of meat served outside the home in France becomes mandatory, according to a decree published Thursday in the Official Journal. Labeling will now have to mention the country of origin and that of breeding, for all meats, and no longer just beef. The sectors are delighted with this decision, which will make it possible to “promote French meat and fight against imports”. But above all to eat better, insists the Minister of Agriculture and Food Julien Denormandie, especially for children in school canteens.

Will this new obligation encourage communities to ban foreign meat from canteens? And the restaurants? Isn’t it likely to increase the price of the menus, while today even demonstrations are taking place all over France to denounce a purchasing power at half mast. In any case, the obligation is currently only applicable for the next two years, for an experimental phase negotiated with the European Commission.

It can start with a hot flash or a tightness in the throat, the feeling that a cupboard has just landed on his chest, or that his stomach is liquefying. To feel a growing anxiety, a feeling that no one can escape. But Théo Grosjean, he calls himself outright “the most freaked out man in the world”. This is also the title of his comic strip, which he is now adapting into an animated series for Canal+. Falling on a cannonball in carpooling, going for a quiche in the evening in front of the person you want to seduce or even imagining that the gentleman who asks us to watch his bag on the train is in fact a terrorist. In freaked out, comedy series, this domestic anxiety is mocked.

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