the 49-year-old singer poses naked on Instagram

Very active on social networks, Thomas Dutronc took the floor this Friday, August 19, to pay tribute to his grandfather. “My grandfather Dutronc was fabulous… A great reader and endowed with an elephant’s memory, he was passionate about history and literature. Very modest, he had a mischievous eye and his great kindness was unmatched than his incredible humor” he wrote before adding: “I miss him a lot I loved him so much…”.

A message that seduced his subscribers who reacted strongly in comments: “Be sure Thomas that he was proud of you and your work. The time spent with him was precious for your grandfather”, “He must have been proud of his son and grandson – it’s all the same, an exceptional family”, “Very moving photo”, “We had the pleasure of seeing you all three on the small screen, a long time ago …. with a lot of humor, Dutronc humor”.

Thomas Dutronc appears naked on the canvas
After this nostalgia parenthesis, the 49-year-old singer shared in a story this Sunday, August 21, 2022, a surprising photo in which he poses naked. The artist has indeed relayed a photo of the Instagram account “Du Bruit Côté Cuisine” revealing an old advertising campaign. “Thomas Dutronc naked… with a huge fish in his arms. This was one of the snapshots of the Fishlove campaign carried out during the winter of 2013-14 to protest against deep-sea fishing and trawling in European waters Jean-Marc Barr, designer Kenzo (who died in October 2020) and Aure Atika were also among the French celebrities who joined X-Files actress Gillian Anderson in this campaigning collection photographed by Denis Rouvre.” can we read.

The son of Jacques Dutronc had indeed engaged in the fight against trawl fishing which has been banned in the European Union since 2016 but which is still the subject of overexploitation.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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