Video length: 1 min
Budget 2025: “The cuts of 40 billion could affect all households”, explains journalist Jean-Paul Chapel
Budget 2025: “The cuts of 40 billion could affect all households”, explains journalist Jean-Paul Chapel
(France 2)
The upcoming budget cuts affecting large companies and the wealthiest are becoming clearer, but the 40 billion to be found to replenish the state coffers could concern all French people, explains journalist Jean-Paul Chapel in the “20 Heures” of the Thursday October 3.
Only 65,000 households, or 0.3% of French households, should be affected by the exceptional tax increase planned by Michel Barnier’s government, which also plans 40 billion in savings. “All French people” could be concerned this time, explains journalist Jean-Paul Chapel, Thursday October 3, after questioning the economic experts of the OFCE.
According to their calculations of the impact of the new measures announced, if “2 to 3 billion euros more” concern the wealthiest, “the 40 billion cuts can affect all households”underlines Jean-Paul Chapel.
The journalist points out that the postponement of the revaluation of retirement pensions removes “3.7 billion purchasing power” to retirees. “If aid like MaPrimeRénov’ suffered a blow, there would be less money for those who planned to renovate their homes”points out Jean-Paul Chapel. As for cuts in aid to businesses, they could also have repercussions on employees, because “the employer can renounce hiring, or salary increases”.
Ministry of Economy
Non-exhaustive list.
Watch the full column in the video above.