The 3-legged deer from Germaine

Make your territory live

Because he is the king of the forest and because the activity is based on three axes, Le Cerf à 3 pattes was born about three years ago in Germaine, on the Reims mountain. Le cerf à 3 pattes is both a shop selling local products, a rural bistro and a socio-cultural place. But the particularity of this third place is that it is managed and run by volunteers in the form of an association law 1901. The idea is to provide a service to the inhabitants and visitors of the territory of the Community of Municipalities of the Grande Vallée de la Marne and the Regional Natural Park of the Montagne de Reims. In this program, you will discover the beautiful story of the Deer with 3 legs with Claude Gamichon, president and Isabelle Robert, manager of the shop.

short circuit

The shop is located in an old lumberjack’s house. Inside there is a wide range of local products, ranging from meat to vegetables, through dairy products and dry groceries. Find the whole range of local products on the Cerf à 3 pattes online store and follow its news on Facebook and Instagram.

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