the 2-year-old victim of a tractor accident?

The disappearance of little Émile continues to hold France in suspense. This Saturday, July 8, 2023, the two-year-old boy in the village of Vernet while playing in his grandparents’ garden. After escaping their surveillance, the toddler was seen by two passers-by in a street and then disappeared completely.
Very quickly, the case took on a national dimension and several personalities spoke on the subject. This is for example the case of Ségolène Royal who called for the search of all attics and all corners in order to find clues or a new lead. An intervention which however mitigated the public opinion since many were the Internet users to express their disagreement and to estimate the investigation should be left in the hands of the competent authorities…

Since that date, dozens of gendarmes but also soldiers have been mobilized on the spot “in search of traces and clues“just like 800 volunteers also present on the scene. The police rely in particular on the demarcation of the telephones of the inhabitants of the village to find leads because the beats were stopped this Tuesday, July 11 in the morning. If the hypothesis of a “fugue” has been put forward by the investigators, another theory is now evoked.

According to information from the newspaper “La Provence”, the investigators favor the track of an accident with a car or a tractor. The media indeed evokes a possible accident with a motorized vehicle such as a car or tractor.


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