The 2 from Toulouse for the Best Pastry Chef

Out of 10,000 candidates, 16 were selected to participate in the M6 ​​program: “Le Meilleur Pâtissier”. Among them, 4 amateurs from Occitanie: Manon, 20, student in BTS dietetics in Montpellier (34). Also to follow: Sébastien, 37-year-old choreographer and dancer in Saint-Affrique (12). And in Toulouse, 2 different profiles. They have become friends. France Blue Occitania receives them between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. on the show Side Flavors. Benjamin will face Mercotte and Cyril Lignac from Wednesday September 7 at 9:00 p.m.

I felt like the Mbappé of the cake when my friends tasted my first creations 7 years ago. I do the raspberry tart very well. Benjamin, from Saint-Alban (31).

Benjamin Bousquet on France Bleu Occitanie © Radio France
Alban Forlot

The other Toulouse Best Pastry Chef 2022 is a cybersecurity business leader. He made his first cakes for his daughters during confinement. Sébastien even allowed caregivers to taste his creations during the covid crisis.

Sébastien’s interview will be broadcast in “Côté Saveurs” this Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. This resident of the Chalets district in Toulouse likes to have a drink in downtown Toulouse, especially rue Bayard. He will try extraordinary things in his recipes. Conviviality and good humor in this “feel good” show. And the people of Toulouse promise to set the mood.

Sébastien in the France Bleu Occitanie studio
Sébastien in the France Bleu Occitanie studio © Radio France
Alban Forlot

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