The 1st EP of the poitevins “KUBE” which soon celebrates its 50th date!

They are 4! François Migaud, Thomas Naudin, Niels Bergeron and Laurent Pasquet offer us a very rock “New Stage”, all in French! The members of the group, shared between Poitiers, Bressuire, Niort and the Vendée experienced several projects together before forming “KUBE” under the initiative of François. The 4 artists, lulled by American rock, English of the 90s, released the first EP “We burn” in February 2021. The dates are to be noted, the group is in concert in Poitou!

A definition? KUBE is the big surprise and the beautiful energy! The public does not expect this!

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The 1st EP “On brule”, released in 2021

“Evadée”, “On brule”, “Plage”, “Bye bye” and “Hé toi”: these are the tracks you can listen to on the EP released in February 2021. The public was present from the start by participating in an online kitty, this EP was therefore expected! There is also the title “Hé toi”, dedicated to the public in order to thank them! An EP to listen to on all streaming platforms! On the production side, the arrangements are done as a team, as far as the texts and the composition are concerned, it’s François! Source of inspiration, he needs to compose before choosing and then putting down the words. The texts then have a more particular sound according to the compositions.

We are eagerly awaited on French rock! In French, we reveal ourselves, there are more possibilities.

2 tracks from this EP have been imaged: “Evadée” and “On Brûle”, to watch on their Youtube KUBE.

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Soon the 50th date of KUBE!

François, Laurent, Thomas and Niels will soon celebrate the 50th concert! You can go and applaud them in Vienne and Deux-Sèvres very soon:

– June 21, 2022: music festival in Bressuire
– July 09: “Refueling” in Châtellerault
– September 17: “Rock en sèvre” in Niort
– September 24: “Spirit rock” festival in Naintré

François and Laurent came to present “KUBE” in the studios of France Bleu Poitou © Radio France
The group KUBE is in concert in Bressuire for the music festival!
The group KUBE is in concert in Bressuire for the music festival!
Sylvia Vasseur

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