The 17th volume of Hämpfele üss’m Wortschàtz

To talk about Alsatian, in a somewhat pointed way, either you learn by heart the dictionaries and the etymology of the abundant existing literature, or you ask those who know, it saves time.

Hello Danielle. Every day, on France Bleu Elsass at 8:20 am, and it’s in audio and video podcast if you are interested, we welcome Danielle Crévenat-Werner, doctor in language sciences and passionate about dialectology. She dissects you an Alsatian word in one or two minutes.

Since 2003, she has been writing the “Lexical strolls” section of l’Ami Hebdo where, every week, she opens a window on the origins and variants of our Alsatian vocabulary, this rich and varied vocabulary is a real treasure that we need to preserve. But on top of that, Danielle writes. Books, collections of articles published in l’Ami Hebdo, revised and augmented. These small format books are all linked to a theme or a time of year. Danielle has just published at Do Bentzinger are Hämpfele üss’m Wortschàtz’s 17th book, literally handfuls of vocabulary, translated as “those words that we love”. 17th book. Dedicated to soup, from the verb schlùrpfe, you know, when you suck your soup from the spoon, to Maggikrütt, Maggi grass, in French lovage.

With this, you will be able to rediscover, from an angle that is both historical, geographical and cultural, the richness of your dialect heritage. Each of these 17 works “Hämpfele üss’m Wortschàtz”, “these words that we love”, all the richness of Alsatian in all its variations is available in bookstores, at a price of 14 euros.

The publisher’s site.

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