The deputies return to the plenary session this Monday afternoon with, on the program, the examination of the “Full employment” bill. LR deputies intend to maintain the 15 hours of weekly activity that the Senate introduced, despite direct opposition from the left.
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The law project “Full employment” arrives in the hemicycle of the National Assembly on Monday September 25. Its examination is scheduled from 3 p.m., and one of its measures is particularly debated: the establishment of a minimum of activities for beneficiaries of RSA, active solidarity income. It was a campaign promise from Emmanuel Macron, which the Republicans specified in the Senate: 15 hours of activities to be carried out each week for all those who receive the RSA.
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The measure ignited the first discussions between deputies in the Social Affairs Committee last week, and still promises some great fights from today’s session. LR deputies like Philippe Juvin intend to defend this idea. “We pay an allowance without asking for anything in return. Between someone who makes an effort to find work and someone who spends their day sitting eating chips, I believe there is a fundamental difference”believes the deputy for Hauts-de-Seine.
The left sees it as a stigma, the majority wants to “relax” the 3 p.m.
But on the left, we are outraged by the stigmatization of benefit recipients. The LFI deputy for Haute-Garonne, Hadrien Clouet, denounces collusion between the right and Macronist elected officials.
“All these beautiful people are very happy to be able to go and catch single mothers, farmers with the RSA, to make them work the obligatory 15 hours per week.”
Hadrien Clouet, LFI deputyat franceinfo
“15 compulsory unpaid hours per week is still a historic break with labor law and the protection of the indigent”, insists the Insoumis again. We must stop caricaturing the text, reply the elected representatives of the majority. Renaissance MP Paul Christophe assures that it is not really a question of making beneficiaries work. “What we are asking for is 15 hours of activity to sometimes support professional integration. This may concern elements of health, training, coaching towards employment, mobility with a driving license for example”he lists.
Macronist elected officials also want to relax the objective of 15 hours of activities. This could start with one or two hours of remote interviews for those who cannot travel, for example.