the 13th Migennes book fair is a success

The 13th edition of the Migennes book fair was held this Sunday, November 21 in Migennes. A successful edition since despite the sanitary restrictions.

A fair, an opportunity for authors

The show is a real opportunity for some authors make a name for themselves. This is the opinion of Léa Coeur, a 21-year-old author from America. “Being here is an opportunity to gain notoriety with readers, but also with publishing houses.“she explains. She started writing very early, at the age of 16 years old.

But the path to publication is sometimes strewn with pitfalls and some are forced to self-edit. This is the case of Jérémie Ferreira-Martins. “It’s hard to make a living from it. When we publish ourselves, we rack up a lot of expenses, so this kind of shows is also to try to get into our costs“he confides.”But I know I do this mostly because it’s a passion. I don’t do this for the money“he jokes.

Living rooms aren’t what they used to be

But some authors deplore the presence of “peoples” : Philippe Frot has been editing his books for two good years already and has even managed to make a living from them for a year and a half. The book fairs is a excellent opportunity for him to expand his community. “We’re here and we’re enjoying it. But it is true that the presence of certain personalities completely siphons visitors“he confides.

During this 13th edition, 1087 visitors responded present.

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