The 12 Coups de midi: The staggering sum pocketed by the candidates since the launch of the game

On June 28, 2010, TF1 launched a game that has become cult: The 12 noon shots. It has therefore already been twelve years that Jean-Luc Reichmann has challenged anonymous people with questions of general culture. A number necessarily very symbolic for all the teams of the show. That’s why a celebration was in order. Thus, since June 26, the host has brought together 56 of the greatest midday masters on his set until July 9 for the final.

As we learn TV 7 days, the latter are among the 12,970 candidates to have contributed to making 12 noon shots an emblematic program with 4,323 numbers. Over all these years, 250,000 questions have been asked and 130 mysterious stars revealed. But how much money was raised? The One revealed that the dizzying sum of 14 million euros in total has been paid to the various winners over twelve years.

Bruno won the most money. In 2021, after 252 participations, he had broken all records by obtaining a prize pool of 1,026,107 euros, thus becoming the biggest winner of a televised game. He had also landed 92 Masterstrokes and landed 9 Mystery Stars. Before him, Eric left the game with 921,316 euros in his pocket. Paul El Kharrat is also one of the essential players. His performances had enabled him to win the sum of 691,522 euros in 153 participations. Christian Quesada had also established himself as a formidable candidate and walked away with more than 800,000 euros but, given his convictions for “corruption of minors” and “possession and dissemination of child pornography”, he was completely erased from the registers of the program and Jean-Luc Reichmann has made it known on several occasions that he does not want to hear any more about it. “It’s my worst memory. I’m not going to write pages on it, we’re not going to be touts. When we were so wrong… A little respect for avoid buzzing about someone who isn’t worth it at all. It is a parenthesis that is totally closed. Bar point“, for example, he dropped recently to Entertainment TV.

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