The 12 blows of noon: Zette very moved to pay tribute to her “big crush”

Emotion sequence in The 12 strokes of noon this Wednesday, December 15, 2021! And it’s Zette who offered it to us. The mysterious voice-over of the show, who has been accompanying Jean-Luc Reichmann with his explanations since 2014, has decided to engage like never before. Indeed, while the host received the candidate for the last time Blandine on his set, the day after his defeat, Zette addressed him tender words … in song.

Zette, in a burst of generosity, likes to surprise our guests. If it could be, from her vocal cords, a mini song, that would be so welcome … Zette, to you, as a thank you for Blandine“, introduced Jean-Luc Reichmann. And for the elegant Isabelle Benhadj of her real name to sing:”All my life I have dreamed of this flight attendant, all my life I have dreamed of seeing her upstairs. At midday thanks to her, we understood well, at midday thanks to her, what matters in life. So love, so pretty, Blandine, you delighted us so much …“Impossible not to notice when it was with a heavy heart that Zette said these words.”Sorry, I’m moved“, she even apologized.

For her part, Blandine appeared very touched by this very personal tribute, not holding back her tears. A great emotion that Jean-Luc Reichmann fully understood: “A month spent by your side is a great pleasure. It’s a girl’s story, I know very well, because Zette, she has her favorites“”A big favorite !“, then outbid Zette. A feeling shared of course by the Fallen Midday Master.

Blandine leaves with a heart full of love and especially her bank account replenished. Indeed, the pretty blonde was eliminated on Tuesday, December 14 after 30 participations, time for her to accumulate no less than 108,905 euros in gifts and winnings. No doubt she will return on special occasions such as The 12 Christmas strokes expected in prime time on the evening of December 24.

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