For its 10th and last edition, this award recognizes two reports: one on the Wagner militia in the Central African Republic and the other on the distress of single mothers in Haiti.
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A reward for a French report, another for a Haitian report: this has been the principle for ten years of the Philippe Chaffanjon Prize, named after the man who was a great reporter, director of the franceinfo radio and then of the France Bleu network, before dying. suddenly in 2013 at the age of 55.
His family and friends then created this Prize to highlight reports from the field, published on a French press site and on a Haitian press site. This year, the jury chose the documentary Central African Republic: Russian soft power by Clément di Roma and Carol Valade for Arte, and Haiti: the ordeal of single mothers, by Ronel Paul for Zoom Haiti News.
They will be the ultimate winners, the prize team having decided to turn the page after having rewarded 20 reports in ten years. Clément di Roma and Camille Chaffanjon, the creator of this price which bears the name of his father, are the media guests of Célyne Baÿt-Darcourt, Friday, June 16.